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01/12/2021: For Johnny, Yoruba Creation Myth

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In order to give you all as much support as I can in making sure you have the best grades possible, I'm going to allow you to turn in any late work from any point in the second quarter (except reading check-ins for 8th grade). Please reach out through Schoology or email if you're struggling so that I can help.

Here's today's recap!

English 8

The greasers won the rumble! As exciting as this is, Dally knows that he has to bring Ponyboy to the hospital to see Johnny as soon as possible because he's doing worse. Ponyboy isn't feeling well after the rumble, and when he and Dally are pulled over for speeding, he doesn't have to pretend much to help Dally convince the police officer that he's injured and needs to get to the hospital. When they arrive, the doctor tells them that Johnny is dying. Dally manages to bring Johnny some happiness by telling him that he (and the other greasers) are proud of Johnny. Johnny's last words are to Ponyboy, telling him to "stay gold" before he dies.

English 9 and 9 Honors

Today, we read the Yoruba creation myth. Olorun and the other orisha are content to live in their sky kingdom except for Obatala, who wants to use his powers and who wants to create beings to care for. He goes to Orunmila for advice, and is told to gather seeds and sand, then get the gold from the other orishas to make a chain. He does these things and climbs down to the vast ocean beneath the sky. At Orunmila's suggestion, Obatala empties the sand from the snail shell to create land, and then he spreads seeds across it. After looking at his reflection in a pool, he gathers clay to make figures that look like him. He drinks some fermented palm wine and becomes intoxicated, creating some figures who are missing eyes or have misshapen limbs. Olorun grants these figures life, and Obatala becomes the special protector of people with disabilities.


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