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Guidelines and Online Safety

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In order to ensure that everyone is respected and safe, you must follow the rules outlined on the following pages. Comments are moderated, so I will answer questions left in comments in another blog post or in class without using your name, in order to protect your privacy. If you want to have a discussion with classmates, this will be done on Schoology rather than on this blog. Please refer to the pages on the use of appropriate language and cyberbullying before leaving any comments here or interacting with your classmates on Schoology.

It's very easy to forget how careful we need to be online because we're so connected, and so much of what we do is on our phones or tablets anyway. In order to protect you, I'm not going to allow any posts containing personal information about you or others (which is why I won't be posting your comment directly to the blog post, but will instead address those concerns in another post without using your name).

Do not share your phone number, address, social media handles, or email addresses online. This includes your school email address. Email addresses can be pulled from blogs, even private ones, and shared with spammers and hackers who could then compromise your account.

In addition, while you are welcome to follow me on the social media accounts linked to on this blog, please remember that these are only for updating you on school information. I will not follow any students on social media, and I will not use any DM or private messaging with students on social media. I will only communicate directly with students via school email, text message, or phone call.


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