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01/11/2021: The Rumble, Babylonian Creation Myth

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We had some excitement in our class readings today, for sure! Here's today's recap!

English 8

Today, we read the beginning of chapter 9, where Ponyboy and the Greasers are getting ready for the rumble. They gather together at the Curtis house to prepare, doing acrobatics as they head down the street to the lot. They shout and laugh to amp each other up. When they arrive, they meet with the Brumley Boys and Tim Shepard's gang. The 20 greasers prepare to face off against the 22 Socs, but just before Darry and his former friend Paul are about to begin, they hear a shout. Dally Winston has come to join the rumble! It's quite a fight, and Ponyboy gets pretty beat up.

English 9 and 9 Honors

As the next step in our study of storytelling, we're looking at creation myths. In this study, we're going to be looking at mythology as the collection of stories from a specific culture that combines their philosophical and theological ideas. In other words, creation myths combine what a culture believes and values with their religious views to explain how the world came to be.

In the Babylonian creation myth, Apsu and Tiamat have children together, but they are very loud, and Apsu plans to kill his children. When Tiamat warns Enki, the oldest, Enki kills Apsu. Enraged, Tiamat declares war on the young gods and names Quingu her general. The younger gods cannot win against the older gods and the 11 monsters Tiamat creates until Marduk defeats them, splitting Tiamat in two with an arrow and creating the world and the heavens from her body. He rules the gods. Ea, the god of wisdom, suggests creating humans to care for the world. Marduk kills Quingu, and Ea uses his blood to create the first humans.


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