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01/19/2021: Chapter 11, Norse Creation Myth

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As a reminder, next week is the last week of the second quarter. Any work except extra credit assignments and reading logs can be made up, so please turn this work in NOW. I will not be adjusting grades for the second quarter, so you will get what you earn. Please DO NOT leave missing assignments blank! If you're feeling unsure about where to begin or are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work you have, you need to contact me IMMEDIATELY, because I'm not going to be able to help you make up a lot of work next week; you'll be on your own.

Here's today's recap:

English 8

We read chapter 11 today. Ponyboy is really not doing well. Between his concussion, his injuries from the rumble, witnessing Johnny's death in the hospital, witnessing Dally's suicide by cop, and the looming threat of being placed in a foster home, Ponyboy is feeling pretty helpless. As we discussed in class, his denial and his fear are having a serious impact on his ability to accept reality right now. Randy stopped by to see him, but Ponyboy insisted that he was the one who killed Bob and that Johnny is still alive.

English 9 and 9H

Today, we read the Norse creation myth. The fires of Muspell began to melt the ice of Nifelheim to reveal the giant Ymir and a cow, who began to lick away mountains of ice while Ymir fed on her milk. The cow revealed the god Buri and his wife, who had a son named Bor. Bor's son, Odin, became the king of the gods. Unhappy with Ymir's cruelty, they killed him and used his body to make the world and the heavens. Odin created humans from two trees he pulled from the mud to care for this new world, Midgard, while he and the gods went to Asgard. Ymir's sisters, still angry about their brother's murder, carved lines into Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, which caused humans to have lives that ended and prevented them from being as powerful as the gods.


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