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MustangJoe / Pixabay

I'm going to leave this picture here because it snowed today and that makes me sad.

Here's today's update:

English 8

The ELA state exams were today. I hope everyone did their best!

English 9 and 9H

Today, we discussed the differences between law and morality. Begin thinking about your assignment to analyze an unjust law. Good luck!

Tumisu / Pixabay

Here's today's recap:

English 8

Today, we reviewed theme and talked about how theme is different than topic or main idea. Don't forget that tomorrow is the ELA exam, so bring in your school-issued Chromebook (CHARGED!) and an independent reading book.

English 9 and 9 Honors

Today, we talked about the differences between law, morality, and ethics, which are all part of the discussion of justice we're having this quarter. We also played with the trolley problem as an ethics thought exercise, and we discussed how ethics issues don't often have easy answers.

Sorry for the late update! Here's today's recap:

English 8

Today, we reviewed main idea (also called central idea), supporting details, and topic. Make sure you hang onto these notes!

English 9 and 9H

We began our conversation about justice today by reading through a section of The Republic in which Socrates takes apart the idea of justice being a combination of always being honest and paying your debts.

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