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Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

We had some technical difficulties in one class, but overall, our technology seemed to work pretty well! To see if anyone's reading today's update, I will give one bonus point to any student who sends me a Schoology message or an email telling me what your favorite movie, show, or video game is, and why you like it, before Sunday. Here's today's recap!

English 8

Today, we took the Greek Pantheon test, and you turned in your packets for a grade. If you haven't turned in your packet, finished your test, or completed the independent reading, you'll need to do that as soon as humanly possible.

English 9

Today's assignment was to write the body paragraph on mundane mood in "The Lottery," so that needs to be finished before class on Monday.

English 9 Honors

We worked on the two paragraphs explaining mood in "The Lottery" and "Miriam" today. Get as much of this finished as possible before class on Monday!

athree23 / Pixabay

Unfortunately, no one caught the bonus point opportunity in yesterday's blog post! Those were free points!

Here's today's recap:

English 8

The link to today's review game is on Schoology. If it doesn't work, please let me know! Your test on the Greek pantheon is tomorrow, and your independent reading check-in will also happen tomorrow. Good luck, and make sure that you have your packet filled in!

English 9

We're going to be breaking this essay on "The Lottery" into little bite-sized pieces, so please make sure you stay caught up. Today, we broke down the body paragraph and the entire essay outline (except for the intro and conclusion), and those notes are on Schoology. Use today to finish up any late work on "The Lottery"!

English 9 Honors

We broke down the body paragraph format and spent a lot of time looking at how to form a strong thesis statement for "The Lottery" and for "Miriam." Come prepared to start writing tomorrow!

Fotoshautnah / Pixabay

This picture has nothing to do with today's classes, but I thought it was cute.

Here's today's recap!

English 8

We did additional review today, finished up the Greek Gods slides, and hopefully finished filling in the charts in the unit packet. These charts need to be finished because I'll be requiring you to turn them in on Friday.

Just to see who's actually reading this post, if you send me a Schoology message before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow with the word "pantheon" in it, I'll give you one bonus point on Friday's test.

English 9

Some of us are a bit behind, so please use your time wisely and catch up as soon as you can. Today we discussed the foreshadowing and symbolism in "The Lottery."

Just to see who's actually reading this post, if you send me a Schoology message with the date that the lottery was held on (month and day) before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, I'll give you a bonus point on the questions for "The Lottery" once you turn them in.

English 9 Honors

We discussed "Miriam" a bit more today and read a letter from Truman Capote to a fan who didn't quite understand what he was going for. We're going to start comparing author intent and look at how to turn our observations into a mini-essay.

Just to see who's actually reading this post, if you send me a Schoology message with the words "Truman Capote is a jerk" before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, I'll give you a bonus point on your "Lottery" assignment from Friday.

StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay

The grades are currently in/being put in for the interim reports, and unless you've spoken with me already, nothing else can be turned in for the interim grades.

Here's today's recap!

English 8

We've started going through the Google Slides presentation to review the Greek Gods and important creatures, places, and events. Make sure you're filling in your charts, as I will be asking you to turn them in soon. You will have a test on the Greek Pantheon on Friday.

English 9

We discussed the historical context for "The Lottery" today and why Shirley Jackson, the author, gave the story a mundane mood. For homework, you have to complete the Schoology assignment asking you to write out a thesis statement and find two quotes showing Shirley Jackson using a mundane mood. If you didn't complete your questions for "The Lottery" over the weekend, those must also be completed.

English 9 Honors

We started reading Truman Capote's "Miriam" today, and I would like you to finish reading it for homework tonight. Think about how different the mood in "Miriam" is to the mood in "The Lottery," and be prepared to discuss "Miriam" tomorrow!

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay

Today is the last day of Quarter 1 Interim 1. Unless you've spoken with me already, the grade book closed at 3:00 p.m. today.

English 8

We worked on our weekly reading check-in today as well as our class Slides project. If you weren't able to complete either of these, please reach out to me as soon as possible.

English 9

All missing work needed to be turned in by 3:00 p.m. unless you've already spoken with me about an extension. Before class on Tuesday, you'll need to have read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and completed the 12 question Schoology assignment. This assignment will not be graded until the interim reports are finalized.

English 9H

All missing work needed to be turned in by 3:00 p.m. unless you've already spoken with me about an extension. Before class on Tuesday, you'll need to have read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and completed the thesis and quote Schoology assignment on the story. This assignment will not be graded until the interim reports are finalized.

IO-Images / Pixabay

I know that a lot of you were/are without power due to yesterday's storm, so here's a recap of class today. I hope you're all doing well and that I see you all tomorrow!

English 8

We spent class today working on the Greek Mythology slide deck. Please be prepared to finish your work on your slide tomorrow. Please also bring your independent reading book to class tomorrow so that once you finish your slide, you can do SSR (silent sustained reading).

English 9 and 9H

We read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson in class today. For those of you who weren't in class today, you'll be able to read the story in class tomorrow and work on the assignment over the long weekend. For those of you who were in class today, you'll have class tomorrow to get a jump start on the long weekend assignment.

talhakhalil007 / Pixabay

Here's today's recap!

English 8

Today I introduced the Greek Gods Google Slides project. Everyone has been assigned a god, event, place, or creature from our readings on Greek mythology. Over the next two days, we're going to work on this project to help review the different aspects of Greek mythology that we've been talking about!

English 9 Honors

Amidst a discussion of the irony of the story and some truly groan-worthy puns, we reviewed "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl and completed a virtual escape room activity. Don't forget that the Edgar Allan Poe research is due tonight!

English 9

A large percentage of each class didn't finish the reading last night for homework, so we're going to take a two-week break from Wind Down Wednesdays so that we can focus more on our work. Make sure you finish the virtual escape room today. Don't forget that the Edgar Allan Poe research is due tonight!

Oldiefan / Pixabay

That was some reading in class today! As a reminder, my grade book closes at 3:00 p.m. on Friday. Here's our recap for the day:

English 8

Today we read the stories of Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Ares. You've gone through all of the gods now, so make sure you're filling in your entire packet chart (on page 4-5). We're going to need this information for our activity tomorrow!

Don't forget to do your independent reading! Our third reading check-in is this Friday!

English 9 and 9H

Today's story, "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl, had some interesting twists and turns. While there was no written homework tonight, make sure you're paying close attention to that story!

Don't forget that Independent Reading Assignment #1 (researching Edgar Allan Poe) is due by 11:59 p.m. tomorrow.

Engin_Akyurt / Pixabay

Good afternoon! As a reminder to all of my students, the mid-marking period ends on Friday. This means that I am closing my grade book at 3:00pm on Friday. Any missing work needs to be turned in before then. If you need help with an assignment, reach out to me as soon as possible.

Here's our class recap!

English 8

Today we read the story of Hermes, the most active little god baby in all of ancient Greece. Please fill out your gods chart in your packet up through Hermes!

English 9 and 9H

There will be no revisions allowed on the Edgar Allan Poe stories assignment, so please make sure you go over it carefully before you submit. It's due by the end of the day today (11:59 pm). You may begin your first independent reading assignment, due by the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Wednesday. Remember that the information about Poe's life and how it impacted his stories is required, and the piece about his death is extra credit.


Larisa-K / Pixabay

Here's today's recap!

English 8

Your second reading check-in is due today. We're testing out how well it works in Schoology this time since there was some trouble with the Google Form last time. Please make sure this is filled out by the end of today, or it will be a zero.

Today we read the story of Apollo, and I showed you how to have the chart in your unit packet filled out with the gods and other characters. Please have that chart filled out through Apollo for Monday!

English 9 and 9H

Today we read "The Tell-Tale Heart" and discussed what makes an unreliable narrator. Be sure to work on your Edgar Allan Poe comparison homework. We'll take some time to discuss it on Monday, as well!

Have a great weekend!

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